
Sustain Solutions – Year 5+

Owner Equity Payouts

You’ve put in countless hours, lost sleep and probably invested significant personal resources in building the business. How do you realize the return on these investments while protecting an exit event down the line? What are your personal financial goals and how can the business support them and sustain at the same time. Our financial planning team will help you model the future you desire for you and the business and craft a strategy to take money out of the business without impacting it’s longevity.

Strategic Capital Investment Planning

How do you make investments in the business that will increase it’s value at exit ans also insure its longevity? Your leadership team will meet with the 3MKJ CFO on a quarterly basis to review potential capital investments to determine the best investment for your long term goals. We will review equipment sourcing options, real estate acquisition, people investments to build the business you always dreamed of selling.

Ownership Distribution / Profit Sharing

The projects we build are built on the backs of the crew we have in the field. They insure each other are safe, the project is completed at a high quality and in a timely manner. They also find creative solutions to drive projects forward. How do you make sure your team is rewarded for their role in making the business profitable? We will review profit sharing plans, ownership divestment plans and other vehicles to reward your team, help them plan for their long term future and increase retention of your best team members.

Acquisition Analysis

If you had one more major market you served or another product offering, would it increase the likelihood of a sale or value of the business? We can model what strategic acquisitions will do to support the vision you have for the business and identify potential acquisition targets based on the culture, values and skill set you need.